The Application Process

Application Process Overview

The Vision Fellowship program follows an annual grant cycle. The cycle begins in December, when nomination letters for places in the coming year’s program are due. The Vision Fellowship Grants Committee reviews the nomination letters and decides, typically by yearend, which nominees will be invited to submit applications. For those invited to the next phase, the completed application is due six weeks later. The Grants Committee then reviews the applications and decides which applicants will be invited to interview. The interviews typically are held in late March and decisions are announced in April.

Step 1

Instructions for a Vision Fellowship Nomination Letter

Each degree-based, professional development-based and project-based applicant must be nominated in writing by a local non-profit organization or by a progressive Island business that works within one or more of the Vision Fellowship’s interest areas. See the Fellowship page for a list of these areas, all of which emphasize Island sustainability. The Nomination Letter should specifically state within which of the Vision Fellowship’s interest areas the nomination is made. Nominees who have a prior relationship with the nominator and/or experience working or volunteering in the specified interest areas will be given special consideration. To be invited to apply for a Vision Scholar award, an Island resident graduating from the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School, the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School, or Falmouth Academy must be nominated by the student’s Guidance Department or principal or by a local nonprofit with which the student has an established relationship.

Nomination letters should be submitted via email to

Nomination letters should be no longer than two pages and should describe (as applicable to the type of proposal):

  • The Vision Fellowship’s sustainability interest area applicable to the candidate and or the candidate’s proposed project.

  • The candidate’s intended course of education or professional development, or a description of the candidate’s proposed project.

  • The candidate’s qualifications, including all relevant volunteer or paid work and academic experience.

  • Anticipated outcomes for project-based proposals.

  • The relationship between the nominator and the candidate.

  • Whether the candidate will have a mentor and if so, a description of the mentor’s role and qualifications.

  • Whether a project-based candidate will have any collaborators and, if so, a list of them.

  • If applicable, any internship opportunities that the nominator is prepared to offer should the candidate be successful.

  • Contact information for both the nominator and the candidate, including email addresses and phone numbers.

Step 2


Nominees will be notified in mid-to late-December of the Vision Fellowship Grants Committee’s decisions regarding which nominees will be invited to apply. Those invited to apply will be issued an online Vision Fellowship application and will have approximately six weeks to complete and submit the application.

Step 3


Applications will be due in mid to late February. The Vision Fellowship Grants Committee will review each application and decide which applicants will be invited to interview. By early March, each applicant will be notified as to whether or not an invitation to interview with the Vision Fellowship Grants Committee will be extended.

Step 4

Criteria For Selection

A fundamental requirement for all candidates is a clear alignment with and commitment to one or more of the Vision Fellowship’s sustainability areas of interest. The Vision Fellowship Grants Committee will also consider the following criteria, where applicable and among others, when reviewing a candidate’s application:

  • A solid, clearly defined plan to pursue education or professional training in one or more of the Fellowship’s interest areas.

  • A demonstrated understanding of the type of work in the relevant interest area(s) that the applicant finds most interesting and achievable.

  • A well-developed vision of how newly learned skills may be brought to bear in the relevant interest area(s).

  • A project proposal that clearly and concisely describes the need for the project and why the applicant is the appropriate person to implement it.

  • Maximum potential for producing an early impact in the relevant interest area(s).

  • Prior work or volunteer experience within the relevant interest area(s).

  • An established relationship with a sponsoring organization and/or mentor and/or potential collaborators.

  • A plan for personal and professional growth.

  • For degree-based and professional development candidates, financial need.

  • For project-based applicants, a clearly presented, reasonable budget.

Step 5


Interviews with the Vision Fellowship Grants Committee typically occur in late March. Each interview is 30 minutes long.

Step 6


Applicants are notified of the Committee’s Vision Fellowship awards decisions within two weeks of the interviews. Depending on the particulars of each Fellow’s specific award, the financial component of a Vision Fellowship award typically begins between May and September of the award year.


Nomination letters

Thursday, December 12th, 2024 at 12 p.m.

Completed Applications

Wednesday, February 12th, 2025, at 5 p.m.


Sunday, March 16th, & Monday, March 17th, 2025


Melissa McKee Hackney, Executive Director

Mailing Address:

Martha’s Vineyard Vision Fellowship
PMB #132
455 State Road
Vineyard Haven, MA 02568