Brian Morris

As a 2016 Vision Fellow, Brian Morris earned his Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of Massachusetts-Boston. With the support of a 2021 Vision Fellowship, Brian is earning a Doctorate in Social Work from the University of Southern California’s Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work. Brian is the Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Coordinator at Island Health Care. He serves as a Peer Recovery Coach in Island schools, serves on the Martha’s Vineyard Substance Use Disorder Coalition, and is working to develop the MV HUB Initiative, an evidence-based intervention model that links at-risk Islanders to an array of psycho-social supports to address needs such as homelessness, access to clinical services, transportation, food insecurity, trauma-informed care, and domestic violence services.


Paddy Moore


Luiza Mouzinho