Energy Planner at MVC

In 2022, Kate Warner became the Energy Planner at the Martha’s Vineyard Commission (MVC). She is focused on influencing major Island players whose actions will determine the Island’s energy future. She is coordinating municipal-level projects and is helping to shape state and local policies to support the Island’s energy transition and energy resilience. Kate has assumed this role on an interim basis to begin the groundwork of establishing this new position. She brings a great deal of knowledge and experience to this role, which will help accelerate the work once a full-time candidate is found to fill her shoes. The Energy Planner position is designed to be full-time, long-term staff position at the MVC. Qualified candidates are now being sought for this long-term position. If you are interested or have ideas as to viable candidates, please contact the Martha’s Vineyard Vision Fellowship.


Shelley Edmundson


Energy Transition Coordinator at Vineyard Power