Erin Hickey
Erin Hickey, a 2015 Vision Fellow, earned her Bachelors of Science in Biochemistry with Honors in Biochemistry, Cum Laude, at Stonehill College, where she was the ACS Organic Division Top Undergraduate, and inducted into Phi Lambda Upsilon Honor society. In 2019, she joined Moderna Therapeutics in Cambridge, MA, as a Research Associate in Discovery Chemistry. During her Fellowship, Erin worked as a research scholar at Stonehill in a lab preforming organic chemistry synthesis through the Stonehill Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program. She also interned with BiodiversityWorks where she developed an independent research project that tested the efficacy of chick shelters in reducing predation on piping plover chicks on beaches where there is not adequate dune grass or other cover for them to use for hiding from hunting crows and gulls.