Nicholas Cranston, a 2022 MVRHS graduate, is studying biology with a focus on marine biology at Tulane University. Since 2018, Nick has served as the Vineyard Haven Assistant Harbor Master. A student athlete, Nick was captain of the MVRHS boys’ varsity baseball and soccer teams and volunteered as head coach of the Tisbury School junior varsity basketball team. In summer 2022 and 2023, Nick interned with Cottage City Oysters in Oak Bluffs. Owners Dan and Greg Martino have been growing sugar kelp, a winter crop, along with their shellfish. One of Nick’s goals was to work with them to find a kelp species that can be grown efficiently in the summer. Nick worked on a similar project, “Algae Gardens: The Future of Homegrown Food”, with the supervision of his AP biology teacher (and 2019 Vision Fellow) Dr. Carrie Fyler. This project tested the validity of growing phytoplankton at home as a viable food source.


Maggie Craig


Lorena Crespo