Marge Dolan and Healthy Aging MV

With a 2024 Vision Fellowship award, Health Aging MV, with Marge Dolan as the Project Mentor, will research, develop, and test a volunteer bank pilot program that uses technology to connect volunteers and organizations. The project’s goal is to combat loneliness and isolation by expanding engagement opportunities for individuals over age 60. Healthy Aging MV will hire a Project Fellow, who will work with Marge’s assistance and guidance, to implement the project. Marge, a member of HAMV’s Board, brings to the project deep experience as a strategy and management consulting executive, with a strong corporate and legal background. The project will also explore the concept that the volunteer bank could serve as an “hours bank” in which older adults who volunteer could “deposit” that time for “withdrawal” at a later time, when they in turn need services.  


Sadie Dix


Karen Dowd